Our MetroWest Living Magazine Collaborative is a group of likeminded business owners working together to connect MetroWest residents and business owners.

Leverage our experience and, together, we’ll build a stronger, more resilient MetroWest community.

We offer a wide variety of sponsorship programs to meet every budget and truly appreciate your ongoing support. In return, we help you provide our readers with access to your products and services and encourage our readers to support our local MetroWest Community. Our objective is to simply build a stronger, more resilient MetroWest community.

Compelling MetroWest Living Demographics

Using Brookline as our easternmost point and moving west, we have hand selected 8,256 households with home values in excess of $1 million and 2,684 established business owners. Our readership resides in a variety of dwelling types ranging from single family homes to large, 50+ unit multi-family condominium style environments. 52.8% of these households have children present in the home. Our sponsorship programs often leverage a combination of high quality print, digital, social media, email and in person networking events to reach our affluent MetroWest Living households. If you’re looking to connect with discerning households and business owners with significant disposable income, sponsoring MetroWest Living Magazine is absolutely the way to do so.

MetroWest Living Magazine Reader Age Breakdown

MetroWest Living Sponsorship Coverage Area

Using sophisticated tools, we can help you reach our affluent MetroWest Living residents and business owners from Boston to Framingham, Burlington to Canton and everywhere in between. With the ability to target consumers down to the specific zip code or more broadly target a radius from your location, together, we can precisely refine your market. If this is an important market for your business, sponsoring MetroWest Living Magazine will help you effectively reach the affluent consumers within it.

Are You An Expert in Your Field?

Our readers really value the ongoing insights from our expert contributors! If you’re a Go-To Expert in your field, we would like to discuss you ability to provide unique and meaningful content for our MetroWest Living readers. You’ll be featured as an expert contributor within our MetroWest Living Magazine, on our MetroWest Living Magazine Site and in regular email broadcasts delivered to thousands within our MetroWest Community. This is amazing exposure for you and for your business.

We Can Bring Your Marketing To Life

Beyond our MetroWest Living Magazine, our team helps our sponsors build brief, engaging, eye catching video clips like these to grab the attention of target customers. These can be used to convey a concept via social media or on your website.

Well, how much is it?

You’re probably wondering: “How much will all of this exposure cost?” While you’ll be delighted by how efficiently we can deliver your messaging and brand your business among MetroWest residents and business owners, the real question you should be asking yourself is: “How much new and repeat business can all this exposure generate?”

  • "Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business."

    ~ Steve Forbes

  • "A brand is a living entity and is enriched through a variety of mediums over time."

    ~ Michael Eisner

  • "If you're not branding yourself, you can be sure others will do it for you."

    ~ Martin Dai Nguyen

  • "The brands that will thrive in the coming years will be the ones that communicate purpose above profit."

    ~ Richard Branson

Special Thanks To Our MetroWest Living Sponsors